Gloucester City Centre Commission

Terms of Reference

Adopted by the Commission at its meeting on 23 November 2023

1. Title

Gloucester City Centre Commission

2. Purpose and background

To champion the sustainable growth and development of Gloucester city centre.

Gloucester City Council set up the Commission as a successor to the Gloucester Regeneration Advisory Board in 2021. It was initially charged with the preparation and adoption of a 5 Year Vision for the city centre, which was undertaken and completed in the period to early 2023. The Vision was endorsed by the City Council in March 2023 and can be viewed at

Through consideration of relevant strategies and updates on key projects the Commission will offer expertise as well as challenge to support those parties charged with delivering the Gloucester City Centre Vision and other associated strategies.

3. Status

The Commission has no legal identity, status or powers, but it is recognized by Gloucester City Council as an important stakeholder, offering an informed and independent perspective that is representative of its diverse membership and the expertise of its members.

4. The Role of Gloucester City Council

The Council is represented on the Commission by The Leader of the Council as well as the leaders of the other main political parties within the Council. Those elected members respect the purpose and status of the Commission and take its views into consideration in the design of policies affecting the city centre.

Gloucester City Council undertakes to provide the secretariat for meetings of the Commission in support of the Chair, and, where resources permit, to prepare or commission relevant studies and strategies on behalf of the Commission. The City Council will also be represented by the Chief Executive who will manage the provision of technical and administrative resources.

5. Membership

The membership will comprise organisations with a direct interest in the growth and development of Gloucester city centre. This will include organisations based within the city centre as well as those with a larger geographical remit that includes the city centre.

Membership is at the discretion of the chair in consultation with the Leader of the City Council.

Membership will be invited from organisations, including business, environmental and community bodies, that have an informed perspective on the city centre. It is important that the Commission is diverse and includes members that represent the different groups, views and needs within Gloucester.

6. Roles and responsibilities of members

To attend meetings and to give informed advice on the city centre to those parties that are proposing change by giving expertise and scrutiny to plans and development proposals.

Members will also act as ambassadors for Gloucester, maintaining an awareness of the city centre and advocating for its sustainable growth and improvement.

7. The Steering Group

The Steering Group comprises a few organisations that have a direct bearing on the city centre. It will support and advise the chair and secretariat on the design and operation of the Commission’s meetings.

8. Administration

The City Centre Commission will meet 3 times per year.

Agendas to be agreed between the chair and lead officer within the Council prior to the meeting. Members may request items for inclusion in the agenda provided they are submitted prior to the agenda being circulated and agreed with the Chair.

Agendas and any other papers to be circulated at least one calendar week before the meeting.

At the discretion of the chair non members may be invited to attend by a member organization in an observer capacity.