The Forum

The Forum
In March 2021 Gloucester City Council agreed to invest fully in the transformation of King’s Quarter, driving forward a 1/2m sqft regeneration scheme that will create business, investment and job opportunities for many years to come. The site sits between the station and Kings Square providing over 125,000ft of office space, an innovation hub called The Forge, a 131 bed, 4-star hotel, retail & dining space, car parking and cathedral view apartments. It will transform the city centre, bringing investment and creating business opportunities for many years to come.
The Forum development is a partnership between the City Council and the Reef Group, a leader in creating places with previous projects including Cavendish Square and the Tribeca Project in London.
The redevelopment of The Forum will regenerate the centre, linking the key city quarters and providing clear sightlines across to the stunning cathedral, a permanent reminder of the city’s important and vibrant history.
For more information go to: Forum Gloucester – Reef Group
August update: Phase Two will see the main campus of The Forum delivered. This includes 135,000 sq. ft. of Grade A workspace alongside a 130-room 4-star hotel, rooftop restaurant and bar, state-of-the-art digital conference facilities, a 9,000 sq ft wellness centre and a member's club.
A ground-breaking event took place on the morning of the 24th of June for the main part of The Forum development in Gloucester. Phase One of The Forum is expected to complete by autumn 2022, with Phase Two expected to complete in summer 2024.
In the next month the employment hub will be open, offering support to local people seeking employment.

Prospective investor or development opportunities
For more information, questions or anything else, please get in touch...