Gloucester Railway Station & Pedestrian Underpass

Gloucester Railway Station & Pedestrian Underpass
The redevelopment of Gloucester Railway Station has reached a key milestone with the completion of major junction improvement works. Funding for the £6m project comes from the City Council and Great Western Railways as well as the Government's Growth Deal Fund, following a successful bid via GFirst LEP of £4.3 million. The upgrades will provide increased connectivity for residential, employment, retail, leisure and tourism in the city.
Plans for the station also include wider improvements to the design of the station building and forecourt and making the underpass to Great Western Road more accessible to wheelchair users and child buggies.
Further information on the scheme can be found at: Gloucester Rail Station improvements - Highways (
Gloucestershire County Council has finished work on a new entrance to the station at Metz Way. The opening of the new entrance will allow for the continuation of further work on the multi-million pound scheme. With the Metz Way junction complete, work on Bruton Way will begin in Spring 2022. This work will last approximately eight weeks. During this stage of work access to the South Car Park will be via Metz Way only.

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