
Start and Grow Enterprise

Start and Grow Business Events

Below is a list of different business events that are happening across Gloucestershire that are there to support you and your business needs. 


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Marketing your Start-Up

In this Marketing Your Start-up workshop, you will get an understanding of the role marketing can play in your business growth, learn how to better target potential customers, develop stronger marketing plans and discover how to find out what’s working.

5th September 10am-1pm


How to build a unique & memorable brand

Our Power Lunch sessions are short, sharp sessions where you’ll get specialised support to help you solve your business challenges. They’re full to the brim with practical information and short enough to fit into your lunch break.

14th September 12:30pm-1:30p.m

Online: How To Reach Your Business Goals

Our Power Lunch sessions are short, sharp sessions where you’ll get specialised support to help you solve your business challenges. They’re full to the brim with practical information and short enough to fit into your lunch break.

12th October 12:30am-1:30pm

Online: Business Planning – September 2022

The Business Planning work shop will introduce you to an invaluable planning tool, and help you to complete the process to fully understand your own business and its direction.

13th September 10pm-1pm

*In Person* Business Strategy

All successful business owners understand the importance of having an effective Business Strategy in place to help them guide and grow their businesses in the most profitable and effective way possible. 

19th September 10am-1pm

Online: Marketing Your Start-up

In this Marketing Your Start-up workshop, you will get an understanding of the role marketing can play in your business growth, learn how to better target potential customers, develop stronger marketing plans and discover how to find out what’s working.

1st November 10pm-1pm

Docks 1
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glos uni 2
Kings Square open